Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Reunion Poll

Hi all!

Received the following comment from Darlene (hi mom!) on the last post:

Was thinking about items for the auction, and games for the little kids. I think it would be
helpful to know the approx number and age groups of the kids who will be there. If we could get a survey of who's coming, who's bringing kids and what are their ages. ie, 3 kids under 1, 8 kids 1-3, 12 kids 3-6, etc.....that would really help in organizing games, and even in menu planning. WE NEED INPUT FOLKS!

So, I thought maybe we could try a poll - it might be easier than leaving a comment, and perhaps we could get some idea of who's likely to there come July.

Who will be attending?
I'll leave the poll here until Monday's post goes up, and then I'll move it over the the sidebar. (Or rather, I'll try to move it to the sidebar...) Please respond if you can - it will really help everyone who's trying to plan to get a sense of who will be there.

Thanks for your help!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday Photos

From the 2006 reunion - courtesy of Karan Goetz. Thanks, Karan!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What Are Your Plans?

Rather than put up a lengthy post this week, I'm going to throw the questions at you! I'm wondering who is all planning on attending the reunion? I've heard lots of rumors, but would love to gather a list.

Leave your name and plans in the comments, and then as I see them, I'll update this post to include you. The comments should be super-easy now - just use the "Anonymous" selection, and then hit "Publish", and you'll be good to go. Don't forget to sign your name, though - we will want to know who you are!

  • Cindie commented on the last post, and she, Brian, Jacob, Alexa, and Nathan will all be coming. (Lucas is crazy excited about playing with Jacob, by the way...).
  • I'll be there (Shelley) along with my family. Lucas and Owen are excited for their first trip to North Dakota, and Tim is just hoping that his allergies will be tolerable. We're driving from Seattle, with stops at Silverwood and Medora on the way. Can't wait!
  • Anonymous Mar 22, 2012 12:26 AM Hi Everybody! This is Steve and I wanted to let everyone know that Sharon, Tommy and I are all going to be there this summer, we can't wait! We're flying into Billings on thursday the 5th and driving to Medora for the night, then heading to Richardton on friday morning. We'll be leaving on monday morning to head back to Billings, we have a 7pm flight out monday night. Can't wait to see everyone!!! Steve, Sharon and Tommy Geyer

Who else will be there? Let me know, and I'll add you to the post!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday Photos

From the archives (and a bit blurry). I know that second one isn't a reunion photo, but I couldn't resist.

Also, I've heard that it was a bit difficult leaving comments, and so I've changed things a little to make it super easy. You should be able to comment using an Anonymous title (just make sure to include your name in your text), and after typing, just hit "Publish" to have your comment show up.

Thanks, everyone!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Auction Ideas

One of the biggest hits of every reunion is the auction - and I'm sure this year will be no exception. It's not only fun to watch competition in action, but it's also really important to help cover reunion costs.

This year, there will be a lot of kids - which means there will be lots of parents, ready to be completely worked over. (Bring your checkbooks, parents!)

Of course, there are all sorts of items that go over well. Here's a list of just some ideas - if you've got others, leave them in the comments!

AND - if you've got something you're excited about bringing - talk it up here!

Here's some things to consider:

  • MORE stuff for little ones! What parent will say no?
    Legos, video games, dolls, stickers, sports items, art supplies, books, Matchbox cars, puzzles, board games, videos, stuffed animals - all great ideas.

  • Homemade Items - got something from your garden that you've canned? Jams you've made? Homebrewed beer? Handmade cards? Quilts or other linens? Framed photographs? Hand-tied flies? Now is the time to show off your handiwork - and bring in the big bucks!

  • Local Items - since we're all so spread out, something specific from your neck of the woods is likely to go over really well. We're thinking we might have to bring some smoked salmon or blackberry jam. Everyone's region has something - and even if it's not exciting to you, it's a treat for someone across the country!

  • Memorabilia: have you got old family photos, just gathering dust? Or, have you got a collection of family recipes? Antique tools or gadgets? You might be looking to get rid of it, but to someone else, it might be a real treasure.

  • Something you Love: Did you discover the coolest BBQ tool or kitchen gadget ever? The absolute best hand lotion? The best book you've read in ages? An umbrella that won't turn inside out (aside: please call me if you actually have this one)? Bring one to share!

  • Gift Baskets: Who doesn't love a gift basket? There are so many options to consider - the spa basket, chips and dip/guacamole/salsa basket, chocolate/coffee/tea basket, Craftsman tool basket (hey, just trying to come up with some offerings for the guys), you get the idea. Pull together a little collection, and you could have a hit on your hands!

Of course, the whole point of the auction is to bring in a good price for your item. It's all in good fun, of course, but it's up to you to sell your item. Don't just drop it on the table and walk away.

Talk it up! Demonstrate! Share details! Shamelessly plug!

It's all about marketing, folks. You can start your efforts right here, in the comments section - let us know what you're thinking about bringing, or if you've got an idea you're unsure about, get some feedback here!

Speaking of which Speaking of which:

Did you hear that echo? Yeah, so did I. The internet can be pretty noisy, but around here things are pretty quiet.

This blog is a lot of fun, and I hope it can be helpful/useful for all of you planning to attend this year's reunion. If you're enjoying it, please let me know. Speak up, and say "hi" in the comments.

But, if it turns out that none of you are really looking for that, then I'll just post the schedule and an occasional update, and leave it at that. But please, can you let me know? I want to make this a worthwhile endeavor - please let me know what you think is worthwhile.

Thanks for your feedback!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Birthday Wishes!!!

Happy Birthday, Virgie!

Wishing you all the best on your birthday, and looking forward to seeing you this summer!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday Photos!

These are both from the same reunion - couldn't resist that second one!

Hope to see you here Wednesday!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Reunion Schedule

Hi all!

I hope that you've all been spreading the word about our blog, and if you are checking in, take a moment to say "hi" in the comments. You don't need a Google password to do so, and it would be great to start the conversation. If you're planning on attending, let us know, and let's start sharing our plans!

As for the blog, the current plan is to get a post up once or twice a week. On Mondays, I'll be posting fun photos from past reunions, and so if you've got some good ones to share, please e-mail them to me!

On Wednesdays, check in for reunion updates and discussions. We'll be covering all sorts of things, from auction ideas to menu planning. (Betcha can't wait for that one, huh?)

As we get closer to the reunion date, I'd love to start sharing funny stories and memories here on Fridays, but I'll need feedback from you all. If you've got a fun one you'd like to share, e-mail me!

And of course, if there's anything you are wanting to know, please ASK, either in the comments section, or e-mail me directly! We want to make this blog as helpful as possible, but we need your feedback to make that happen. Please, speak up!

So, with that out of the way - let's get on to today's programming - the SCHEDULE!

This is a rough timeline, and at this early date is more than subject to change. There are, however, a few things firmed up, and so I wanted to get this out as soon as possible. When the next post goes up, I'll be moving the schedule to the side bar (over there, to your right), so you can find it quickly, without having to page through past posts. We'll also update it periodically as more details get solidified.

Friday, July 6th

Arrivals planned for all day Friday

Saturday, July 7th

4pm: A special mass/farewell for Lucy
5:30pm: Dinner at the Legion Hall

Sunday, July 8th

Departures, etc.

As I said, pretty rough. Mostly likely, the auction will be Saturday evening, following the dinner at the Legion Hall. Also, we're planning to have some organized activities for the kids during each of the three days, and so if you've got ideas or suggestions, please let us know.

If there's anything that's important to your family, and you'd like it included in the schedule, let us know that too!

That's it for this week, but I hope to hear from you all in the comments. And, if you haven't already done so, spread the word, and send your family members over!